Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Updated October Shipping Schedule!

We are slowly getting back into the swing of things after the trip to California last week! Ophelia came back a bit worse for the wear....with a cold of some~sorts and we are hoping it doesn't turn into something worse!

The following will be the shipping schedule for the next few weeks..... we will be moving into our new production office the week of november please know that we are doing everything we can to get things shipped asap!

October 21st~all orders through October 10th
October 23rd~all orders through October 13th
October 25th~all orders through October 15th
October 28th~all orders through October 19th
November 1st~all orders through October 24th

remember, if you aren't on our mailing list, now is a good time to sign up so you can receive email updates and special promotions via your email~box! Ophelia's Apothecary Email list!


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