Monday, January 4, 2010

New Lip Tints in shop NOW!!!

Hello my pretties! we have taken a bit of a blogging reprieve for the last *ehem*....week. but, we haven't been totally hybernating! we did some baking, some movie watching, some laundry....and we rested. we have also been working on the destash stuffs for our other shop. so, today starts a new week, and with the new week, we have new products! yay!

Our buttercreme lip balms have quite the following, and we've been getting many requests to offer lip tints. well, now we have them, and we will be adding more colors soon. *translates to....when we can make it out of our snow and ice packed driveway to get more tint....i might just have to resort to shopping online. ~ now there is a whole 'nother vice of mine we have yet to address!

Anyway, the lip tints are an all vegan blend of oils and yumminess. they have vanilla icing flavor...not quite the decadent buttercreme, but we will be switching over to the buttercreme with the next batch! our supplier of all natural, vegan lip oils is having a hard time keeping up with the buttercreme demand! lol. to check out these lovely little lip tints click here


Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...

Your lip tints look lovely - I might just have to look into them when my current lip balm is running low...

The Magpie's Daughter said...

Oooh these look amazing! :D


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